This morning I awoke groggy and familiar...There is something oddly befitting about the return of the cold and dawn's growing delay. It will no doubt be soon that I will arrive to work and leave from work within darkness. Today, my friends, is the fall equinox. Now you might say 'so what? why would you care?' To which my reply would be, 'I don't but dirk did some 15 years ago.' So this morning when I got up I felt a tad under the weather and closer, in the cold, to that 15 year old than the 30 something I have been as of late. So as I sat on mass transit I thought, 'how much do we really grow up?' Deep, I know....Oooooooooooh heavy bro. And if you know me you are most likely waiting for the joke that undercuts the meaning.....but seriously I think there is wear or damage that happens during our development that perhaps hangs around shaping perceptions etc...Like where you are as you form your ideas of who you are and what is around you and how you fit the large picture..not just teenage angst or not being popular... I don't know, I mean I am not dr. phlow or bill or what have you...ah nevermind I have lost interest in this topic. Wanna hear a joke? Um, so a wallet walks into a bar...the bartender says 'we don't serve your kind here' and the wallet says '_____________.'
That is all I have, you tell me.
Now if you will excuse me I have shadows to chew on and cob webs to cuddle.
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