This first beer was Sarah spotted at the new New Seasons on Division here in PDX. With this holiday in mind and backed by the fact that I have never had a black ale I bought it. Now to be honest I think the label has a bit of a douche factor. Like Ed Hardy clothes or any club where men have dragons on their button front shirts and $200 distressed jeans. Cheesy. Also, I don't drink a large amount of dark beer so keep that in mind all of you. Yea, all of you. (see that is funny to me because...well, nevermind)
1-No real dense dark smell from the bottle. I poured it into a glass and it was dark but not impenetrable by light like say Guiness.

2-For my first black ale, I'd say they are ok. Not overly soy saucey like some dark beers. But a full flavor for sure. I am trying to go into great depth about the complex notes but I have no idea what the complex notes of dark beers are. My bad.
3-After the 2nd and third drink it really lingers on the ole palette.
4- After a pints worth I had drank enough. It was sort of filling and became more of a task than fun.
So would I buy it again? Nope. But if you like dark beers I'd say try it and let me know if this is a good one. For all I know my opinion is as accurate as if you gave a glass of 1975 Bordeaux to someone who drinks Boones regularly. mOVING ON!
This was an easy selection cuz it has a freakin' devil on it!! I did pause for a moment when purchasing it because it was $3.25 which is funny to me. In a bar you wouldn't stop and think 3 bucks for a beer no way. Most likely you would just give the bartender your card and say 'where I am going I don't need numbers..." Or something to that effect. But there was a second thing about the appearance of this beer that aided in its inclusion. IT HAS AN ALCOHOL LEVEL OF 13%!!!!!!!!!!!!Of course I was sceptical of even liking it especially once I saw the strange cloudy liquid that poured from the bottle.
Yea, that stuff is not see thru. Questionable.

1-Smells of funk. Sarah said it smelled of dirty sponge.
2- Upon tasting it, I thought I might be tricking my self by focusing on the alcohol content. It tasted like Steel Reserve with rotten cider in it. And that is putting it politely.
3-It officially took 3 drinks of this before I waived my white flag and introduced it to our kitchen drain. (In my youth I would have yelled 'STRIKE LIKE A NINJA' and downed it but after a smoked beer and some questionable reindeer in SF I now think twice.)
I don't believe that it is possible to make beer that tastes good after you cross a certain point with alcohol content. There is a reason why hobo beer tastes like hobo beer. Hobo's don't care if it tastes like metal and rubbing alcohol as long as it kicks them in the brain. I however like to enjoy a bevvy I am drinking. Buy this? Nope. Not even for those white gloved hobos in the south west hills.
Now for dessert STRAWBERRY BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The other night our pals Keith and Erin came over and I opened this lovely bevvy so that we all might have a taste. (I'd also like to note that both ladies were drinking whisky and I was excited about a strawberry beer....not so stereotypical)
1-Smells like strawberry jam. We all agreed on that.
2-Keith thought it tasted like soda or punch but not beer.
Erin said it tasted like mixed berry st.ides.
Sarah said it was her fave so far.
Yours truly found it quite delicious.
I will stop there because really all of those things are true. It had a pleasent aroma and a really smooth fun fruity flavor. This wouldn't be a wise choice for a whole evening of bevvys but a fun start or interlude for sure. By far one of the more successful fruit and beer combos that I have had. Oh and this one is from BEER MONGERS as well. So there we have it, three more beverages. I have the next 6 posts lined up and I feel sort of overwhelmed like I am behind schedule but I am also really excited. If you would like to be a guest mouf just let me know.