Well, not really... These candies in the photo below are called POPO candy. Now in some circles a 'popo' is a bottom, rear end, booty, fanny, tail, seat, stern, bum, hindquarters, rump, arse, nates, posterior, can, derriere, backside, under structure, tail end, ground work, keister, prat, do nothing, duffs, biscuits, haunches, hams, and of course caboose. It should also be noted that some people might use this term as slang for the police. I don't know why exactly and I am too lazy to care enough to google that. Regardless, none of this explains why this treat is called POPO and has a picture of a psychotic crab on the candy. Curious eh?

Suprise!!! It is Cola flavored candy that fizzes inside! Yup that is why the crab looks as though it has rabies. It isn't booty foam. I know, I was fooled as well. Sorry that this review is a tad different but it didn't seem right to drag out a review when it could be explained so clearly and simply. Is it good? Sure it is fine. Not too cola-y and not sour and with just enough fizz in the center to be pretty interesting but the end result is nothing like the crab illustration indicates. Japan has a ton of cola flavored candy and this is just another one. Another one that sucked me in with its filthy bathroom humor which I am pretty sure is just in my head. For all I know POPO is just Japanese for crazy bubbling cola crab candy.
Alas, I don't speak Japanese. Which brings me to a very exciting announcement and that is today I came home to a new shipment from Japan bursting with rare awesome goodies. Seriously, you aren't going to believe some of this is real. Those posts I have been looking forward for a month or so now but until then please enjoy these pictures from the packing material (it is common to pack boxes from Japan with newspapers from that area) with what I am guessing is the caption.

I am not sure what all the text says about this girl and the guy in the kid suit with a perm but I am sure it boils down to: Not getting Married.

Finally a product voted TOO JAPANESE and was taken off the market. Revamped with less cute animal faces and then returned to the market only too fail.

These guy's sign may say 'Roller Japan' but this picture reads 'Virgin Convention' and I am positive the text reads ' we don't do chicks we just do wheelies'. (Having never roller bladed I don't know if you can wheelie....)

Lastly I think this picture reads as this 'Girl wonders if cat will shout then smell bad bum burps and eat her heart. Till next time SAYONARA!!!
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