I know, scary right? A freakin' dragon breathing fire on a beer! Yes that is eye catching but what really made me want to pick this up is that it said DARK HEFF on it. I haven't ever seen a dark heff before. I couldn't quite figure out what it would be like so I had to try it.
1- Smells a bit like honey.
2- Delicious. A surprise for sure. I didn't get a super wheaty taste at all. Not to dark either.
3-For me this is a great winter beer because I don't want a super heavy beverage. In fact if you cut this with lemonade I bet it would be awesome.
4- Not a huge lingering flavor. Crisp, clean, and well balanced. Not bad for a 1.25 a bottle.
I found this at City Market on NW 21st. Sorry I don't have anything amusing to tell you about it. It was good. I want more.

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