(it is either that or Dr. Pepper was taken...)When I opened the box for the sodastream I found this flavor and posted it on Path saying something like "who is dr. pete?" Well I found out who he is. He is the man (or woman, sorry about your name) who brings the party!!!
It was easter and Sarah was obliging Dave by making him the Dr. Pete soda. Marisa, Daniel, and I were conversing about traversing the space time continuum or the Harlem Globetrotters or why caterpillars are called caterpillars since they don't look like pillars and they barely cater. (I don't recall which one.) So Sarah has made numerous bottles of sparkling water, just business as usual. Or was it? Because we didn't know it but when you use the sodastream to make a flavored soda you add the flavor after. Yep. After. What happens if you don't? I will tell you.
It explodes.
Luckily there were no casualties except like ten towels and everyones clothes. About the third or 5th time Sarah pushed the bubble button (don't call it that in front of the sodastream, it is very body conscious) it began spraying her with Dr. Pete at a high velocity. It was at this point I believe that she lost her visibility and froze. She stood there in the vicious onslaught of carbonated spray motionless. Yea, she didn't move an inch but what she did do made my life.
She laughed harder and wilder than I have heard her laugh maybe ever. (Now you might not know this because I don't post my private business on the interwebs and social networks but my favorite thing is making her smile and ultimately laugh. Seeing her happy is my number one everything wether I had something to do with it or not.) So there she froze completely unaware that the sodastream shot up into the ceiling and crashed to the floor right next to her. We all saw it and were so glad that she wasn't injured! That f-in thing is heavy. But she didn't, she instead roared with laughter and was soaked in Dr. Pete. Dr. Pete sprayed all over our spices, the ceiling, the cabinets, anyone in the kitchen, the floor.....ok, everything. And it was sticky. The witnesses were all troopers and laughed and helped clean up. (esp. Marisa who is a stand up gal.) How was it?
Well, Dave tried it from a glass and said it tasted like flat Dr. Pepper. Yes, Sarah blew the bubble right out of that Dr. Pete. I tried it off of my arms and it did taste like Dr. Pepper (and arms). So long story short, the sodastream is alive and well but we are rather cautious of it. Like a child who loves the ocean but gets knocked down by a wave. Then the child has a new respect for the ocean. (or it is a big fat crybaby. it is just an ocean.) Only our ocean experience tasted like 23 unique flavors (mine tasted like 23 and arms).
(The sodastream was 99 dolars and if the box had told me this would happen and Sarah would laugh that hard I would have paid 200)

Why it is Brian Mumford!!!!!!!!! The nicest man on the planet and a musical gem to boot!

(Don't eat him. I now this is mostly a foord blorg) *go see Dragging an Ox through water or one of his other smart musical outfits.
And lastly,
"THE BOY WHO COULD FLY" IS AN AWESOME MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No jokes kids. Fred Savage, tootie from Facts of Life? Come the funk on!!! Trust me when I say give it a re-watch!