However a majority of reviews of anything really are mostly about one thing: personal taste. Now there is nothing wrong with personal taste I just think it is often used to judge things that we maybe don't understand the mechanics of. That is why you hear somebody (an idiot) say 'that movie is stupid.' That person doesn't mean that the film, in question, lacks ordinary quickness but rather that the film doesn't equate to their personal tastes. Of course that same person might also be referring to the films mismatched tone, poorly constructed character arch, or the blatant trope but chances are if they understand what those things are they didn't use 'stupid' to describe it. What does this have to do with food? Nothing. I have a cold and can't taste food. I can, however, watch movies.
A person in my class once said "for somebody who is so funny, you sure don't like many comedies..". What he was referring to were films he had seen and loved like "Macgruber", "The other guys", "Taldega Nights"....etc. Now I am not going to argue the merits of these films (it is enough to even call them films) but sum up what I like in other films. When comedy is most effective for me is when I have to think. When a line is said and I have to take a mental turn to get the joke. Where the concept isn't so formulaic and blatantly exposed so a wide audience can get the joke....................................................................................................................................................
get the joke.
I like the layers of comedy. I like the word play of comedy. I like the different formats that you can explore in comedy. I like when people f*ck with your expectations in comedy! If I already know what is coming then I am not entertained anymore. American comedy has been dead for years. At least in a mainstream sense. Anything good has been leeched from overseas. Then americanized and dumbed down. My point is that, for me, dick and ball jokes and naming people cunth isn't funny nor cleaver. Not because I am above potty humor at all. It just is all people have been writing and it is BORING.
Which finally brings me to the reason for my post:
I saw this a while ago but it hasn't been widely received here in the states. Well now it is on instant watch on NETFLIX. So people have no reason to not see it. What it is, is what also keeps people from seeing it. It is a comedy dealing with suicide bombers. Hold on for a second and listen. If people could handle Dr. Strangelove then, than you can handle this now.
The thing for me about watching this film again is how well it is written. I was hanging on their every word and the acting is so fantasticly done. If this was done here it would have some hambox like Ferrell dorkin' about mugging at the camera. I know I have been a little preachy here but I hate that an important comedy like this will be chosen 100 times less than a film called Milf or Grown-ups....Ok, I will go now. See you next week with 2 chocolate posts.
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