Tuesday, October 28, 2008

.odd captains of curious boat fellows.

Getting closer to New York...can't wait. Sometimes I see things and the things I see are sooooo numbskull idiotic that it feels like my brains have testicles and as my eyes see the things I see, well, the words I see actually kick me in my brain balls. Trouble following? Allow me to provide you with an example: I enjoy reading about movies that are being made and then I enjoy never going to the theatre to see them. Its my thing, what can I say, so as I was reading a popular website THIS IS WHAT I SAW 'zach efron in remake of FOOTLOOSE' Yes, you are reading that correctly. Did you feel it? I sure did....really my thoughticles anr bruised and pained. Why would anyone? I mean really?? I hope Kevin Bacon eats efron's banal heart! I mean first Chris Penn dies and now they mock him with this!!! (Chris Penn was the friend he taught to dance..yea he was skinny then.....yea, later on in life he had some problems...of course he sounded like the guy in Resevoir Dogs, he was that guy.....no, I said he had some tuff times...and was in a track suit..nobody looks good in those.) If Kevin Bacon plays the principal in the remake....oh dear god....he probly will. I am soo disturbed now I can't even spell check.....I should go..............Hey, don't look so sad as Ice Cube would say 'keep yo head up'...wait, no he said 'are we there yet?'


Saturday, October 25, 2008

.sometimes I look kinda methy.

Awe yea, lookin' good!!! This sketch was a quick one from a year ago. Nice. Any who, there are a few bands that I have come across somewhat recently and I'd like to share their names with you. I know what you are thinking 'just post the audio link!!' But I am so very in love with the ways things used to be. (take that internet I am using you against yourself) Where you had to read magazines for info on bands and hunt in record stores and even special order albums. So I am going to mention them and leave it up to you to actually find and/or purchase them. Number one :Fan Death, they have the 80's keyboard asthetics in check, the disco beats of the 70's in spades, and the female front that for the lack of a better comparison sounds like Kate Bush and the knife had a baby. Number 2: Gang Gang Dance, 80's under produced percussion both rockish live drums and bass heavy 909s, odd programming and interesting synth work, plucky strange guitars, haunting cindy lauperish
vocals like something at home on 4ad back in the day. Number 3: Poni Hoax, I have mentioned them awhile ago I am sure but trust me these three bands plus 'Padded Cell' is an awesome dark disco 80's art scene bloodbath......I mean they sound good together. Expect this year to be more disco-ee then any other scene since of course disco originated. Don't worry, it is more odd, more dark, and better produced now. Thats all for now, oh and one last thing "Hey cyberspace, QUIT HITTING YOURSELF!!!!!'

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

.zombie cats with a love for fine dining.

Sometimes the mind can choose something to reflect on that... well, maybe isn't the most important. For instance, say I...er...you lets say you are at a meeting and then you zone out for a second and remember a song that was sung at your elementary school. Quite popular, if you remember correctly and it goes as so 'whistle while you work, Betsy is a jerk. Shane Mctheeny broke his weenie, now it doesn't work'. Ok fine, it was my elementary school and I should add that Shane seemed quite mature for fifth grade, their relationship was common knowledge, and Shane was the first person I knew that owned a Guns 'n' Roses cassette. Those were the days... On a non-similar note I'd just like to say that Mtv and Vh1 always seemed to be different in their broadcasting but as of late I have noticed that they both suck the same and show the same pointless crizap! I know that is hardly news but I just attempted to find anything worth watching and flipping through that deadzone was painfull and stupid level increasing. SEE!!!

A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning rounds when he entered a patient's room. He found Patient #1 sitting on the floor, pretending to saw a piece of wood in half.

Patient #2 was hanging from the ceiling, by his feet.

The doctor asked patient number 1 what he was doing. The patient replied, "Can't you see I'm sawing this piece of wood in half?" The doctor inquired of Patient #1 what Patient #2 was doing. Patient #1 replied, "Oh. He's my friend, but he's a little crazy. He thinks he's a lightbulb." The doctor looks up and notices Patient #2's face is going all red.

The doctor asks Patient #1, "If he's your friend, you should get him down from there before he hurts himself"

Patient #1 replies, "What? And work in the dark?"

Saturday, October 18, 2008

.a new coat is what we grow when alone.

This is the original sketch that became a collaboration piece that we entered into this hippie gallery group show. It was made not for that show though, I had just been thinking about bearies or bairys...or...however you spell it. Anyway, if you don't get it, get your head checked.
So it is saturday, which means 'cocktails'!! Ok, it doesn't really but I think it should. I am pretty sure that the (awful) Sci-fi channel is playing every aweful original film they have ever made. Its like the worst weekend in thee history of programming....ugh. That being said I have seen atleast some of each terrible one. What can I say, I love when things eat people. Its my thing. I think we are a bit uppity about our place in the food chain and I like to see us get taken down a peg or two. I don't just mean in a 'JAWS' sense either cuz if you are in the ocean and a shark eats you thats just common sense. You were in its house, you deserve what you get. Same thing with the sasquash...what do you mean it is sasquatch? I am refering to the large member of the gourd family that preys upon organic farmers...What do you mean you haven't heard of that??
Well are you a gardener? Composting doesn't count, lots of people do that. That is what I thought, anyway I am going to go now. I have some serious loin stretches to engage in before next swim suit season. Oh wait, not loin I meant leg. L8tr. Whoooooo!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

.Man Shun.

I am excited it is friday!!! Ah weekend. Thats all sorry.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

.we envy winter's seasonal digestion.

.Abdominal Snowman.

Just think about it.....mmhmm. This week I am back at school/work and tomorrow is PICTURE DAY! Which, as you maybe able to imagine, is usually a logistical nightmare. Can't wait...Can't wait.... Other then that, I have little to report...the mornings are getting colder and darker. Night time is stretching to touch its toes to the point that I arrive at work in its shadow and leave work in the same light...Oh, it is coming, for sure. Last night we watched Jan Svankmayer's 'Lunacy'-it was...um..........something. Something involving meat yes. Other than that and some Marquis de sade action.....I don't know. Right now I am listening to 'Ital Tek' again, it really is great typing-drawing-writing music, very enveloping. I am thinking I should go shower and shave but it is comfortable here in the dimly lit dense reverberations of my home furnishings. Oh goodness, almost forgot, big news, Coil 'New Backwards' YEA! The last recordings of Coil (again) but really this is the album that Peter and John recorded
in the 90's and was to be released on Trent Reznor's Nothing label.....in like 95 or something but was never released. (Mr. Reznor, it is time I came clean, this was largely the reason I sold all 14 halos or whatever I had import and domestic of your music.) Some versions of Coil's song things appeared in places but not these versions/remixes with Danny Hyde. As you can imagine 13-14 years is a long time for a music geek to wait for something. I thought about selling hedgehog babies on the black market in order to raise funds but it turns out they aren't illegal...so the black market isn't interested. Russian babies however...but I declined.
I take far to many naps for an endevor of that magnitude.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

.transparent logic.

Yesturday, I worked a full day with a headache. It was like a sharp pain behind my right eye and the best part is that it was light sensative. Darn it, how could that be spelled wrong..... 'sesetive' ,'senseative'....ah whatever. So yea, I don't want to use the word 'migr_ai_e' because I haven't had one since I was like 18. But it sucked and it lasted until today around...NOW! Yea, super duper poopy pants lame!!!! I wasn't at work today which is also 's.d.p.p.l.' but I slept all wonky and weird and feverish.....Trying to make the day fruitful I called the ever disappointing PSU in an attempt to speak with an academic advisor. Yea, they were nonexistent and 'S.D.P.P.L.'.....
I also made it twelve minutes into the horrid film 'Taldega blah blah'...as Ernest would say 'EWEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!'. Later gator...

Monday, October 13, 2008

.eggshells aren't for dancing.

Yea, that is a drawing of my Genesis cover band. Anywho, I am soo sick and effing tired of people talking pol___t_cs!!! I don't even want to type the word. I mean there are so many other things that are out of their control that they could have an opinion on. Like friggin' leprechauns!! Or dream cows, whose milk keeps the moon white or pony dust which is their magic dander that keeps jockeys so very dainty. I mean the list goes on, instead its like 'blah blah misinformed opinion and another opinionated heard somewhere statement'.
B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!!!!!! The fun is still out there, trust me, it is just passed the blow hards next to their forgotton pow-pow-power wheel which is way more bad a$$ed then their hum-V or whatever they are called. See, know I just sound incoherant...and with spelling errors.

A market guru walks into a pizzeria to order a pizza.

When the pizza is done, he goes up to the counter to get it.

There a clerk asks him:

"Should I cut it into six pieces or eight pieces?"

The guru replies: "I'm feeling rather hungry right now. You'd better cut it into eight pieces."


What ? too soon? Hey, I didn't make it up.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

.The day we both lost our balls.

Going back to work tommorrow, the break was nice but passed quickly. Right now our home smells of pie and beef roast. Mmmmmmmmm......................This drawing is an old one but I came across some old gems in a book of mine. There you go, enjoy!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

.small man operator.

Ah Tuesdays, soo very special. Or not. Woke up this morning, had some coffee, drew a little cartoon for you and have been listening to 'Printer' I can take more, which is off the Statler and Waldorf lable. A small label named after those two persnickity old men on The Muppets. When I say small I am not joking, they average a release a year. Whew. Anyway, I don't feel particularly motivated today...I have bathed though so I have that going for me.

*What would you call a rabbit that is mad at the sun?

-A hot cross bunny.

Monday, October 6, 2008

.war within the walls of one's own head.

So today began my week long break from work. Nothing to focus on for a day is a dangerous place for me. It can be, at times anyway. Like, minus structure, my mind feels it is free to not linger on anything for too long which results in...well, very little results AND alot of nonsense.
I have a staggering ability to not need coherent thought. Just sit on the floor next to an electric panda and name our favorite nonfood items, that we don't treat as so. 1.couch 2. other pandas 3. wooden trouser 4. even more pandas. and so forth, you know? No, nevermind....its too late. Passed their bedtimes anyway.
There are two albums that I recently purchased which are becoming the soundtrack for my break. The first is off the ever so pleasent Planet mu records 'Mrs. Jynx' The standoffish cat. It hits my ears like off cuts of AFX and old school Artificial Intellegence stuff. Its comforting in its sleepy bouncyness. The second being 'ITAL TEK' Cyclical, off of Planet Mu as well but quite different from Mrs. Jynx. Ital tek is colder at times, dubby, dark even and noisy in small places, shimmering dense metalic echos bouncing off into the distance. Anyway, check them out and then amaze your friends. Like this,:yout friend says" wow, coldplay is awesome." you say : Ital tek'. then when they say what, you kick em in the shins for liking mundane lackluster crud like such. OR you could like that group too...but that just makes me sad.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I haven't had anything new to type so I have hired an onstaff writer..He is a little...different from me-his name is Vhil Horsch and he is a body builder. So read this but in your lowest manlyist (i know that isn't a word) voice and sound things out phonetically.

"Hey, I heard they are making a movie in Lost Angeleas..s. Yea, it is about robot frogs, its called Transfroggers. That was a joke, I don't know if they are making a moving picture in Lost Angeleas right now.....it might be a summer thing. When there is the sun out. Hey, if we were friends we could sit on a bench. Yea, like at manly places like a gun depot or a dynamite hutch and like we could eat a sandwich. Hey, like a two handed sandwich. They would be like three pounds in weight and we could do delicious reps with our sandwiches. Yea, from like our laps to our mouths and you could say things and I'd be like yep. Or the other way around. Maybe we could pretend we are dads and wrestle.....Hey, where are you going? I have already started saving for sandwiches....."

Well, it is his first attempt..you gotta give it to him for effort..you don't gotta...anyway, the picture is from Sarah and I's collab. art show from sept. This was one of my favorite pieces. Thats all, hope you enjoyed it. Until next time, keep doing your crunches.........or else.