Getting closer to New York...can't wait. Sometimes I see things and the things I see are sooooo numbskull idiotic that it feels like my brains have testicles and as my eyes see the things I see, well, the words I see actually kick me in my brain balls. Trouble following? Allow me to provide you with an example: I enjoy reading about movies that are being made and then I enjoy never going to the theatre to see them. Its my thing, what can I say, so as I was reading a popular website THIS IS WHAT I SAW 'zach efron in remake of FOOTLOOSE' Yes, you are reading that correctly. Did you feel it? I sure did....really my thoughticles anr bruised and pained. Why would anyone? I mean really?? I hope Kevin Bacon eats efron's banal heart! I mean first Chris Penn dies and now they mock him with this!!! (Chris Penn was the friend he taught to dance..yea he was skinny then.....yea, later on in life he had some problems...of course he sounded like the guy in Resevoir Dogs, he was that guy.....no, I said he had some tuff times...and was in a track suit..nobody looks good in those.) If Kevin Bacon plays the principal in the remake....oh dear god....he probly will. I am soo disturbed now I can't even spell check.....I should go..............Hey, don't look so sad as Ice Cube would say 'keep yo head up'...wait, no he said 'are we there yet?'