Awe yea, lookin' good!!! This sketch was a quick one from a year ago. Nice. Any who, there are a few bands that I have come across somewhat recently and I'd like to share their names with you. I know what you are thinking 'just post the audio link!!' But I am so very in love with the ways things used to be. (take that internet I am using you against yourself) Where you had to read magazines for info on bands and hunt in record stores and even special order albums. So I am going to mention them and leave it up to you to actually find and/or purchase them. Number one :Fan Death, they have the 80's keyboard asthetics in check, the disco beats of the 70's in spades, and the female front that for the lack of a better comparison sounds like Kate Bush and the knife had a baby. Number 2: Gang Gang Dance, 80's under produced percussion both rockish live drums and bass heavy 909s, odd programming and interesting synth work, plucky strange guitars, haunting cindy lauperish
vocals like something at home on 4ad back in the day. Number 3: Poni Hoax, I have mentioned them awhile ago I am sure but trust me these three bands plus 'Padded Cell' is an awesome dark disco 80's art scene bloodbath......I mean they sound good together. Expect this year to be more disco-ee then any other scene since of course disco originated. Don't worry, it is more odd, more dark, and better produced now. Thats all for now, oh and one last thing "Hey cyberspace, QUIT HITTING YOURSELF!!!!!'
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