.Abdominal Snowman.
Just think about it.....mmhmm. This week I am back at school/work and tomorrow is PICTURE DAY! Which, as you maybe able to imagine, is usually a logistical nightmare. Can't wait...Can't wait.... Other then that, I have little to report...the mornings are getting colder and darker. Night time is stretching to touch its toes to the point that I arrive at work in its shadow and leave work in the same light...Oh, it is coming, for sure. Last night we watched Jan Svankmayer's 'Lunacy'-it was...um..........something. Something involving meat yes. Other than that and some Marquis de sade action.....I don't know. Right now I am listening to 'Ital Tek' again, it really is great typing-drawing-writing music, very enveloping. I am thinking I should go shower and shave but it is comfortable here in the dimly lit dense reverberations of my home furnishings. Oh goodness, almost forgot, big news, Coil 'New Backwards' YEA! The last recordings of Coil (again) but really this is the album that Peter and John recorded
in the 90's and was to be released on Trent Reznor's Nothing label.....in like 95 or something but was never released. (Mr. Reznor, it is time I came clean, this was largely the reason I sold all 14 halos or whatever I had import and domestic of your music.) Some versions of Coil's song things appeared in places but not these versions/remixes with Danny Hyde. As you can imagine 13-14 years is a long time for a music geek to wait for something. I thought about selling hedgehog babies on the black market in order to raise funds but it turns out they aren't illegal...so the black market isn't interested. Russian babies however...but I declined.
I take far to many naps for an endevor of that magnitude.
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