1. Smells faintly of a dusty french fry with dry ketchup on it. No real pepper notes which I would expect. Of my friends that enjoy Bloody Mary's most like them spicy so I was expecting something with a kick.
2. It tastes how it smells like a ketchup flavored kettle chip. No heat or even pepper flavor.
S- Tastes like ketchup powder
D- Tastes like ketchup, good I think, dry ketchup chip.
R- Dave is right but there is too much ketchup flavor.
3. It is too sweet. At this point I decided not to eat a third chip..
D- I don't like it. I don't want to eat anymore of these.
R- Me either. They are pretty gross.
There really is no aftermath as we all just wanted the flavor out of our mouths. Not exactly the most awesome experience. Did it deliver on its promise? Sadly, no. It pretty much delivered a ketchup chip to a Bloody Mary party and that shizzle don't fly. If you ordered a Bloody Mary at a bar and it tasted like ketchup you most likely would send it back or at least not drink it. Which is why at the end of the evening there was still a bowl of this snack sitting on the counter. If you know Dave, that snack must be pretty rank to survive a hangout that long. No offense Dave, man likes himself some snackies is all I am saying. Now if you will excuse me I am feeling a little thirsty.
1 comment:
i love me some snackies, even crappy ones! but these chips were SHIPS! (shit+chips)
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