I hate to confess at the beginning of any post regarding chocolate that I am not really a big fan but if I don't I feel like I am hiding something. Sorta like a person who only drinks Boones Farm who is asked to talk about a fine Shiraz. Although not all treats are perfectly designed balances of awesomeness as you are about to bear witness to. In this post we will discus not one but four eatables with input coming from not one but 5 mouths. Before you say that sounds like too much let me assure you there will just be short concise comments by each person on the food in question. It is my hope that this panel of pallets will provide a perfect POV for you passive people to ponder. (say that three times fast) So my tasting friends on this evening are Keith, Erin, Sarah, Dave and myself. Here we go-

This candy hails from NYC at the Economy candy store....that is a fact and here is what we thought.
K-There is something crunchy in there.... (This was K's favorite of the evening.)
E- Sweet chocolate...kinda waxy.
S-eh, it is just chocolate. Poor peoples chocolate. (i had a typo for a second and that read poop people chocolate...note-don't eat poop people chocolate. ever)
Dave-cheap chocolate. waht i'd expect from something called economy candy. tastes like those foil covered chocolate eggs.
dirk- walgreens chocolate. nuff said. there is no marshmellow taste or grahm cracker crunch. blech. (There was no scent and no real after taste. Quite a let down if there was one in the snack kingdom) NEXT!

Yup. Your eyes don't deceive you, that is a 6 dollar chocolate bar.(sigh) This hails from an italian import grocer in the Chelsea Market in NYC. There were about five types but we chose this one as the most odd and enticing. (psst, we were so very wrong) Ginger and Goldenberry? Oh yes....oh no.
K- Should have called it scab berry.
E- It is taking my tounge hostage.
S-tastes like a scab on chocolate. looks like a scab on chocolate. Goldenberry? More like scab berry.
Dave-its confectioners chocolate. Aweful. Ugh. Sick!!! (Dave didn't eat anymore of this which proves it IS really aweful.)
dirk-tastes like baking chocolate there is no ginger flavor and goldenberries are just friggin raisins. and I HATE RAISINS. (This was voted the worst of this selection and in the tops of worst ever) Before we move on check out the idiot spew on the back of the 6 DOLLAR CANDY BAR!

Bull pucky!

These were either also found in Economy or at another shop in NYC it kinda blends together for me on that last trip. I should also say that I am an ignoramus for thinking just cuz it says bon bon that it is chocolate. This one isn't chocolate. It is a box of individually wrapped tea flavored hard candies.
K-I am just suckin' on tea and milk.
E-like having a tea bag in your mouth... bitter in the back of the mouth. not very fun and tooo gritty.
S-tastes like black tea. i like it. like tea with milk. I bet Damien would like these. Oolong.
Dave-...sucking on a teabag. chewing on a crystalized teabag.
dirk- not bad. a good tea flavor. (then I chewed it up and it made my mouth feel real weird. weird for awhile. the kind of weird a mouth feels when it has been abused by too much citric acid or tea or some other chemical...)

Lastly we have this 1.99 gem from City Market PDX. This small goodie is a scene stealer on this collection plate.
K- like chai and cinnamon.
E-i like it. it changes flavor. i like the cinnamon. (FAVE!)
S-like a chai dr. pepper. i like rich people chocolate better than poor peoples chocolate. (FAVE)
Dave-tastes like christmas. OH YEA! (trust me he sounded like the Koolaid man) All around good. (FAVE)
dirk-choco-chai awesomeness! Not a chocolate fan but this is sooooo delicious. it really does have a holiday feel to it. Celebratory. (FAVE)
There you have it, another episode of five friends putting things in their mouths together. Luckily not involving a bowl of keys (am I right swingers?and/or people who survived the 60's. Now I don't wish to offend swingers I merely mean to point out that we are not interested in diddiling a strangers fiddle. Ok? No plum smuggling here. No trolly trusselers amoung us......(not sure what that means)I am sure the PDX swinger scene is full of lookers sure....(it isn't, I heard it is 80% dudes that look like Ron Jeremy minus the endowment and the ladies are shaped like a caterpillar mated with a cupcake. You know what I mean, body all weird segments kinda folded on top like a kinda oragami flesh lump........flesh lump? what am I talking about? Oh yes, chocolate....um). Moving along, I am open to suggestions of things to try (food or drink wise) or your reactions. It felt good to get a group post out there with my pals involved as I was feeling overwhelmed with all this stock pile of questionable treats. I really need a sign off catch phrase so if you have one hallah at me(since that one stinks). Till next time, stay out of Walgreens. I am serious.