So Sarah, Erin, and Keith are my crew on this wobbly tour of the world....well not really the world but two places. Huh, this just isn't my day. Lets get to it. (While you are looking at this picture I did 50 jumping jacks 30 sit ups and drank a double espresso.....that ought to get things going.)
Coming atcha from Japan is this, our first chewy snack. Bontan Ame Citrus candy! F.t.w.d.k (for those who don't know) a Bontan is the largest of citrus fruits and its flavor was instilled into a chewy candy in 1926 and the recipe has remained unchanged since. (This is where I would originally tied this back into music and personal taste. Mostly doing so just to justify getting to say COLDPLAY SUCKS!!! See I really can't stand coldpee...I mean Coldplay. The sound of 'it' makes my insides quake with anger/disgust. What were we...? oh) By now in this experiment of world snackery I have learned that Japan makes great snacks now. Not always the case. Not for my palette. The whole rice candy no flavor deal doesn't sit well with me. I am not poo pooing on tradition I am just saying it isn't for me.

S- ugh, it tastes like paste. it gets big and fat in your mouth and takes up your whole tounge. Kind of like a lemon head with less flavor and no sour.
E-I agree with Sarah. the rice paper wrapper makes it taste off. not lemony enough to taste good. the texture is off.
K- konichiwa flavor. like eating a creature's liver that ate a smaller creature who had eaten a lemon.
D- wax. really mild citrus. barely a flavor. I tried to peel the wrapper off in order to see what it would taste like without it but it was impossible.

S- it smells like homemade fruit leather. Tastes like dried pears in wax.
E-very much a waxy pear.
K- an ear waxy pear.
D-cheap waxy licorice.

The last item was something I had held onto for 5 months just waiting for the right moment. Then I fudged up and forgot to photo it. What was it? Oh just a gummy donut candy from Japan that was individually wrapped and the size of a 50 cent piece. (Like the money unit not the rapper unit) It wasn't that great either. It looked cool. Didn't taste like a donut though. We all thought it tasted more like TANG at which point Keith said 'WU-TANG-CLAN'. That was the highlight.
So what have we learned? Well, I'd say no matter how far we get in any avenue of this experiment called life, we can and will make mistakes. The point is to have friends or loved ones to laugh with through those times. Too much? How about coldpee is a stupid band!!!
Now if you will excuse me I am going to go to the playground. (Ya know)
(ftwk)for those who know-
I DEMAND RETRIBUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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