Alright, so I needed back up and Sarah was game so one night I made a sampler plater. Well the next night Dave and Rosa came by so I made another sampler plater for them and here is how it broke down:

In order to save time Sarah will be represented by S, David by D, and Rosa by R.

S-Liked it. Functionable to erase bad tastes. (see next snack) Not good chewing gum.
D-Tastes like pinesol and ginger. Flavor dissapates quickly.
R- Tastes of chlorine. I like it but it tastes like chlorine.

S- Compressed arlic salt and one drop of blood.
D-Pee, chicken boulion and salt.
R-salt and chicken.

S-Tastes like Jaeger.
D-Tastes like amaretto.
R-Agreed. Ameretto Jaeger.

S- Like licking a dusty leather boot.
D-Bad pulled pork

Yup, these here are essentially cheetos but Tom Yum soup flavor.
dirk-They smell of lemon grass and taste of lemongrass. Doesn't taste like the soup but they are spicy and taste also of lime. I ate quite a few.
S-Tastes like lemongrass and they are spicy...give you fish breath. Or seaweed.
D-Breath smells like fish, of the sea.
R-delicious, spicy, loved it.

That concludes our sampler platter experiment. All of these have there own blog post with the exception of the tom yum fritto chips. I'd like to take this moment to thank my contributers for their valiant efforts and brave tounges.
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