Judging from the bottle and the ;able and the cork I had deduced that this drinkie would most likely be dark and ale-like. So upon opening this bevy I prepared myself for a hefty wallop of brutal beer force.
1- Not really a scent to speak of upon uncorking.
2- First gulp was a revelation as there were no soy sauce notes that I was so ready for. Seriously my mouth expected it so much I was trying to imagine them there but they weren't.
3- Second gulp was even better than the first! This beer has a smooth finish and a well rounded flavor profile but not heavy in any way.
4- Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. Oh my, am I finished all ready?
Well in recap, this beer was pretty much a work of drinkable art. Now I know that sounds serious coming from me but DAMNATION really blind sided me. I expected problems and over masculin-hamfisted beer brewing but I was ever so wrong. DAMNATION has dethroned my previous industrial-goth-black metal beverage WARSTEINER. Yes I said it, now go buy yourself one and have yourself some Burzum and beer.

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