1. Typical gummy scent with a dry almost dirty accent with a hint of pee. (All three of us came to that conclusion.)
2. The initial flavor of mango is nice. (This first taste was without the drizzle.)
3. We added some drizzle and here is the breakdown:
K- Tastes like barf and salivation.
S-My mouth is watering like I need to puke.
D- You are both correct.
4. Now 4 is usually reserved for the second trial of a snack and usually is the saturation point of the pungent snacks. That was so true here and I regretted every second of it. The nausea quality to this product is pretty sickening and sticks with you luckily we had a second item to try but again that is for next time.
Step 4 bled into 5 which is usually the aftermath. None of us wanted much more aftermath than we had survived so once we had braved the 'Salsaghetti' we were ready to forget it. Much like the other shame foods of college years when looking back at this snacksperience I think I can speak for all three of us when I say 'Let us never speak of this again.' Oh and Mexico you better get with the program or you'll be out in the cold like Finland.
P.s. Check out that partying Duck!! Why is there a duck in Mexico anyway? I have never seen a duck in Mexico. I bet they only have them in zoos.
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