1-no scent
2-While each flavor is different each has a mentionable amount of sourness. Which I like. The outside of each stick is semi-hard candy and the inside is a mix of hard candy and carbonation.
3-These are pretty good. Grape is my favorite.
4-No after taste.
The thing about this snack is it is kinda like stick candy/ hard candy version of nerds. Think about it. Only nerds are more fun. (That is a t-shirt) Overall a good candy, quite different, interesting fizzy sour goodness. Well done Japan. Moving on let us see what America has for us...

1- The candy part has no smell but the powder smells like awesome strawberry smells. See, you take the top and lick it then stick it into the bottle and turn it upside down so that it gets covered in strawberry powder. The powder sticks to your spit and then you put the candy crusted spit back into your mouth. Sound fun? Did I mention that you are sucking on a fake nipple then dipping your spit covered nipple in candy dust and then put the coagulated candy dirt spit covered fake nipple back in your mouth. Yeah, I know I should have put this all together but i didn't 'before' but I sure did when it was in my mouth.
2-Who cares what it tastes like. You have to be buying this product cuz you have some serious issues and or fetishes. If you do buy these I know you are wondering why they don't make milk flavored bottle pops. Sickos. Well done Merica.
Oh man, so here we are Mexico. I know we have had our differences but here is your chance to turn it all around.

1-Kinda smells like fruit leather....and chili powder. Oh man, I thought this was just watermelon. Damn it Mexico. Now I gotta put this in my mouth...oh man.
2-Great. It tastes like prunes. Prunes with a salty subtle chili flavor. Imagine if you will that you put on slippers made of fruit leather and jog in chili powder until your feet sweat in your fruit leather slippers. Then you stop jogging and remove your slippers and wrap them around a stick and put it in your mouth. Oh did that make you sad? Yeah well imagine how my mouth feels! Mexico you have done it again.
3-F-you mexico.
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