Well, here we have another japanese confection this time in tablet form. What drew me to this item was that it is apple squash flavor. And I think also supposed to be like a soda candy as well. Enough talk lets get to eating:
1-Subtle scent (my new ambient electronic project) of candied apple maybe...
2-Not too exciting on the tounge. There is a ever so slight tingle of carbonation. Not really that sweet.
3-I don't get any squash flavor. A tiny amount of apple flavor but mostly just a chalky unfortunate taste.
4-The flavor dissapates as quick as it arrives.
Well, what can you say about a snack that doesn't do much? Not much. I appologise for the time between this and the last post. This is a meager return I know but the goods are coming rest assured. Lastly, I leave you with the robomoose creature on the container.

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