I apologize for the excessive punctuation but I am quite excited that this product is real...and of course from Japan. The story is that this beverage was created so that kids could drink what looks like beer while their fathers drink real beer.
So it was designed to look like, pour, and foam like beer but for kids. Lets say it together 'KIDS BEER!' Feels good doesn't it. Well, down the hatch:

1-It smells like apple cider.
2-It tastes slightly of apples with a hint of bubblegum.
3-What surprises me about this is that it isn't too sweet and the bubbles are really subtle.
4-Not much of a lingering.....Hold on, you've got to look at this kid's face holding the beer.
He is just so happy. Look at him. 'Yea I am drinking beer for kids!!' Thats what I imagine he is saying...cuz thats what I am saying! Now that I think about it why isn't sparkling cider called kids champagne? Thats what adults have used it for on New Years and at weddings for years. Now we just need kids weed because Smarties are already kids cocaine. Not to mention Pixie stixs and the list goes on.....But I think what we really need to focus on here is that as parents we model behavior for our children. So if you are drinking around your children while they drink their kids beer please do so in moderation. No not because it sets a bad example otherwise but because your kids will be super chubby from all that soda. Then when they go to school kids will make fun of them. Which will happen because kids are real mean. (mainly because your soul doesn't form until you are 25) Then your kid will come home feeling bad and reach for a cold kids beer to take the edge off and there you are with a vicious cycle. So please do what this company did and think of the kids.

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