So we might trick out something but does it make it better? And does this new spruce up cut off old fans? These are some of the things we shall be looking at today as we discuss three treats with bubbles.
Dave found this for me while he was in Seattle. At first glance it could be hard candy with bubbles or like a Mentos. But sadly it is like neither. Nor is it refreshing. I mean, Refreshers are as refreshing as an executive chef at Red Lobster is an executive chef. That is to say NOT MUCH. Dave said it best "it is like eating a Tums." It is. A small oval chalky wafer that has some effervescence and no fruity flavor. Tums have better fruit flavor than these candys. I am not even refering to fruit flavored Tums either. Does the effervescent quality help the overall product? No. It is basically the selling point but fails all around to be refreshing or fun. I give this one Hot Topic employee wearing creepers and and a Cramps shirt out of 5.
Next up we have Fiona's black currant fizzballs. Well, there is a mouthful! Look at that classy glass bottle! This treat was obtained for me by the always super awesome Sarah! (Big round of applause.) It was from_ and cost like $12. Which might make it the most expensive thing I have reviewed?.?. So what we have here is a traditional hard candy with fizzy powder on the outside. Is it good? Yep. Pretty delicious actually. When you first put the candy in your mouth it has a sharpness from the fizzy powder and a tartness most likely from a touch of citric acid but that fades rather quickly leading to a pleasant berry flavor. Sort of tastes like if a blackberry and a blueberry had a baby. And you ate their berry baby. (mmmmm baby) So does the fizz pay off? Well, it sure does make it more interesting. But I could see it frightening a poor old grandma mouth. But for taking the risk I give this treat a 3 Hot Topic employees: one wearing fat pants and a dog collar, one who is 18 with a straight edge tattoo and a Morrissey T-shirt, and one who is going to regret their primal body modification when the realize that working at Hot Topic won't be cool in their late 20's, out of 5.
Lastly we have a Cola candy from Japan. This was found for me while Sarah and Dave were in San Francisco. Now I have had fizzy cola candies before and it makes sense. My favorite cola candy is from Haribo and it is gummy sour cola bottles. YUM. These candies aren't quite that good but they are decent and deliver what they promise. It is sweet, tastes like candy that is flavored like cola and it has a fizzy center. Like a cola Zot. Do the bubbles fit the bill? I'd say more so here since cola has bubbles. At some point. The cola flavor is good so even if there wasn't a fizzy filling it would be good. I give it a 4 Hot Topic employees: one wearing a Ramones t-shirt and a Lincoln Park hoody, one wearing an Invader Zim t-shirt that is 2 sizes too small for her body type, one with an emo haircut that really is just the same as Bieber's haircut but it is dyed black and he has plugs in his ear lobes, and one with a chin strap beard to show where his face stops and his Himsa hoody begins-Out of 5.

The end. (how goth)
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