I'd like to take a brief break from snacks and talk to you about vengeance. (one of my favorite things) In particular, the film I SAW THE DEVIL. By now if you can tolerate brutal awesomeness than you have seen this film from South Korea. It is not for the faint cinema goer. Seriously. But if you like extreme cinema (the kind with a plot, not torture porn or gore for gore sake.) this film is a trip. It starts with an intensity that just ramps up through the end. After watching it I had to own it. Dave and Sarah were nice enough to pick it up for me while they were at Amoeba records in SF. However you can see it on Netflix instant watch. Yeah! For free.

What is it about? Well, Byung-hun Lee( from The Good the Bad and the weird)
plays a detective who's wife is killed and he goes to evil lengths to exact revenge on Min-sik Choi (whom you might remember from another favorite film of mine OLDBOY)

That is all I can tell you without ruining anything. Don't watch this if you don't want graphic images in your brain. Also do yourself a favor, if you are going to watch it, don't do it alone. You will want to talk about it when it is done. I saw this film quite a while ago and I still am thinking and talking about it. Good luck and happy hunting.
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