My manrageous bro in law brought me this beer this presidents day. What a nice surprise. Who doesn't want to drink something named after a place where men go and handle things and not wash their hands. Seriously, as a male who once in awhile has to urinate, I know that if you have ever touched a door knob in a mens room you have touched at least 1000 penises. Fact checked. Now, I didn't wait and see a thousand men not wash their hands but think on average hom many people use a public restroom in a day. Now think about who cleans that restroom and how thorough those standards are kept in check. You want to know what the real kicker here is? The more sports loving, sexist, queer hating, junk scratching, manly men wash their hands the least meaning they have literally touched millions of each others man bits. If they thought about it then they'd have to kick their own buttocks. (*just cuz I called my bro in law manrageous doesn't mean he doesn't wash his hands. I bet he is such a gentleman he washes his hands as well a others hands for them.)
Oh yea, the beer: it is a red ale. I like red ales. I have had about 20 types and this is in the top 5.
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