1. upon opening the bottle I noticed no real scent. Which to be honest I was at ease with since I have had rose pastiles and they smell like the doom your mouth will taste.
2. the initial taste is subtle like the first layer is wax almost which slowly gives way into a slight mint.... and then it goes a tad musky. like grandma's closet kind of musky. (I realize my last post also included an elderly reference but moth balls and oak and red door make you think of what?)
3. This really is one of the most mysterious mints I have ever had. It evolves and retreats in waves of wood, mint in the most organic sense, and parafin. Yeah, like an incense or better yet a candle in your mouth...minus the fire.
In the end, it comes down to a promise. I have no idea what that promise is but I guess it is mint. It delivered that. Since it comes in a perfume bottle I am going to say it delivered that as well. Kudos Japan, I am at a loss for words on this crazy non-sweet sweet. I should note that I ate two about 20 min. ago and my mouth is very well perfumed still...like I want to hang a tiny hoodie in there so I can wear it tomorrow and smell like minty pine. If I could fit into a tiny hoodie. Just saying.....

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