your peeps is the best thing since sliced bread....(I don't know who invented that saying but I am willing to bet it didn't sit well for the town bread slicer union who up until that point were pretty well respected. See before there were rocket scientists and brain doctors there were the bread slicers. So often at town meetings or stonings you'd here 'well, sure he is a cobbler but that isn't exactly bread slicing'.) There is something about that face to face jovial times that can really seem to reset ones self and enable them to face another week with their head held high. That is the power of the people you surround yourself with. Cut off the jerks and takers and only keep the quality peeps. Why am I yammering on about this? Well for one, quit asking me questions about my blog....that I am typing and two, our pals Erin and Keith came by saturday and I had a treat to fit the occasion: PAPER CANDY!
You can tell from the picture that this product comes from Japan. It is called 'Katanuki'. Katanuki has been made since 1952 by only one maker. It is a game for festivals where you pick apart a piece of candy paper with a tiny needle in hopes to reveal a whole image of something. See the sheet below-
I chose that sheet at random but it also unluckily was the katanuki that I ended up with. Some of us were far better at this task than others. By that I mean everyone but me was able to extract a whole shape. You can see Erin's below-
Yup that is a star. It should also be noted that Erin would also receive the fastest at katanuki as well. Keith was a close second with the heart and Sarah had the most difficult (that survived) with the squid. (although the squid looks a tad bit a penis with a bunny tail maybe...hmm) You can see all three below-
And next you can see what happened to the dolphin-
Wow, I mean what happened? I couldn't have done worse blind folded and with 40s taped to my hands. (perhaps I will try that next weekend...) So the point of the candy is to be fun and to celebrate and I think it succeeded. Taste wise not so much. It tasted mostly like flour and a touch of sugar. So this is one treat that is best with friends and not really eaten. In fact if you wanted you could use the debris to spell a message to your friends. Like Keith did in the picture below.
Now go get a tissue. Seriously.

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