I know you know how I feel about Mexico and their snackies. Particularly their candy. (For shame!) However (wha? I didn't see this coming?!?!?!) this candy is different......But before you put on your poncho and skeedadle to your local mexican grocer (skee-dadle? is that even a word...it certainly isn't spanish) remember that I kinda have a soft spot for sour candy and chalky candy like Sweetarts. So we aren't about to discuss a gourmet treat here....just some mexican candy. (why did that sound mean?) BEHOLD!

You can't quite tell in the photo but they are gumdrops with those crappy ball berring (I know I mispelled that, I ain't a machinist!) candies stuck to the outside. First lets discus what this candy is not: chili flavored. Thank god, (they really like him there....or at least Mary) Mexico made a candy that isn't going to taste like it has sweat on it. (I hope) So it was with that hope that I pushed the first treat right into my sugar shack....er....my mouth. Lets just go with mouth.
Not bad. If you have ever had a sub par gummy candy with a touch of tartness than you can imagine this. Just glue crappy cake decorations to it and there you go. Now, I get that the cake decorations are there to make them look like fresh berries because there are SO many fresh blackberries and strawberries all over mexico. Right? Anyway, I didn't mind this snack but that being said I have eaten sour Mike and Ikes and those downright suck. I finished all of the Moritas during my lunch break at work. It is the first candy from Mexico that I have even eaten three pieces of. So tip of the sour sombrero to you for a 49 cent palatable treat to interupt an average work day. Au revoir!
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